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From Mimosas to Donations

The Steel Mimosas was established in 2018 after a simple Facebook post that said,

“Hey, I’m going to brunch, does anyone want to go?”

The group of women who were able to go met on a beautiful Sunday morning.  What they realized is that they sat next to some of the most philanthropic, giving, caring, and empowering leaders of our community. We decided to leave lunch as one group rather than individuals, in order to provide a united effort to support our local non-profits.  

The Steel Mimosa vision is to grow our group of strong, like-minded women to momentous proportions, so we can support our community with individual donations of $100 on a quarterly basis during a fun-filled ladies’ night.  The donations will be contributed to our hand-selected nonprofit organization.  Together, we will donate

over $10,000 to a single organization 4 times a year.  We believe that our community needs us. 

We believe that we can make an unparalleled difference and intend to do so.

Warmest regards,

The Steel Mimosas 

About: About Us
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