The Elzey Foundation (1st Q 2023 Nominee)
Providing assistance to those who want to grow and change the world as we know it! SCHOLARSHIPS Whether you're a freshman or a senior,...
The Hospice House is a home designed to allow terminally ill patients who are in a preferred hospice program with the Hospice Foundation, a place to stay during their final days at no cost. The home is owned and operated by the Hospice Foundation of the South. We are a Non Profit 501-c-3. Caregivers are in the home 24 hours a day to provide care for the residents. The preferred hospice programs recommend people who, because of circumstances in their lives, need a place to live while dying. Family members are encouraged to visit with their loved ones.
The home has 3 bedrooms, and each room has its own bathroom and a screened in porch area. There is a living room for families to congregate. We also have a kitchen and dining room for residents and family members to have a special occasion, or just a dinner together.
This is the only home of this type in the community. We are very proud to offer these services to our community.
Our Roots
Free Nola, Inc. exists to bring hope, love, compassion and restoration to the sexually trafficked and sexually abused who perhaps, in the eyes of society, don’t deserve it. For most of the trafficking survivors, sexual abuse and victimization begins in childhood.
One of the most important factors to remember is that human sex trafficking happens everywhere; in your town, your neighborhood, your church, your schools and even in your family. No place is sacred, and no place is off limits. The only way not to see it is to not look for it.
Free NOLA is committed to intersecting the lives of trained team members with workers in strip clubs, massage parlors, motels or brothels. By doing this consistently over time, relationships of trust are developed so that encouragement and a better way of life can be presented. Over 95% of those trapped in the sex industry never imagined that they would be doing this type of work. However, by that time, many do not have the life or job skills to do anything else. And, typically, they do not have a network of people to help them envision or embrace a better life. That’s where Free NOLA team members and our Safe House step in to guide them along their pathway to wholeness.
One of the keys to our success is consistency. When someone says they are going to do something for you and don’t, this breeds fear and lack of trust. We come in, not with expectations but with towel in hand (so to speak) to offer kindness, hope and a love that most had never seen before. In other words, we are seed planters; planting seeds of hope, not despair; love and not condemnation. It is amazing how far one can travel, if someone will just believe in them. Many of these women have children with absentee fathers and/or multiple fathers with no education and the skills for a normal life. Many end up on our streets or in the sex industry. Our job is to come alongside them, encourage them; help them out of the pit they are in. Free NOLA team members step in to guide them along the pathway to wholeness.
Children’s Wish Endowment is a non-profit organization that grants wishes to local children of Southeastern Louisiana who are experiencing chronic, life threatening or terminal illnesses.